I turn my back for a few weeks and academics act like total monsters. Maybe I manifested this? There’s a lot here, and if you love a deep dive, follow the links.
Rating: Not a horrendous monster but some questionable choices:
Safiya Umoja Noble is the author of the well-known book Algorithms of Oppression, but what you need to know is that she is a well-known established scholar. And when an established scholar comes across a graduate student critiquing their paper, they should…attack them on twitter? A paper by a graduate student who used her work to discuss the black digital (which, the original does not address) and the Noyes subtweeted her and said that the student should be grateful for the researchers and criticizing is disrespecting that. What? [Noyes apologized...sort of]
This anthropology professor defended her then-partner for sexually assaulting her student on an archeological trip in Peru. Above and beyond that, she has particular hate for returning, post-academic students who identify as women. And, all around a horrible person. Then a reporter looks into it, and she sues him for defamation. There’s a lot of info here for those that love a deep dive.
Man has a temper tantrum and gives nazi salutes at the end of a zoom conference. Man retires, avoiding any true consequences.
Sometimes someone calls out your area of study for being exclusive of anyone white. What do you do?
a. Make an effort to explore what/why has been excluded.
b. Use your resources to elevate scholars who study these people.
c. Host an entire symposium out of spite. When people call you out on it, sue for defamation.
Ready for the ultimate bummer? This scientist was outed as having a right-wing account and then took his own life after he was found out. This is the last outcome anyone would ever want. Believe it or not, I feel like people can still learn. That doesn’t mean they need to keep their jobs, but this is unfortunate, but my grim curiosity can’t help but think, did he think he was going to get caught? was it in the plan all along?
Academia is at a crossroads and on the verge of collapse. But there are more good people than bad. With that note…back to my dissertation, the totally voluntary task that has been thrust upon me.
What is this? A semi-regular newsletter about culture and academia and academic culture with occasional creative essays.
Regular features: Showgirls: The Novelization, I Miss My MTV; Tales of Tenure Terror